The Department of Health and Ageing have funded National Continence Management Program the National Public Toilet Map (the Toilet Map). The map shows the location of more than 14,000 public and private public toilet facilities across Australia. Details of toilet facilities can also be found along major travel routes and for shorter journeys as well. Useful information is provided about each toilet, such as location, opening hours, availability of baby change rooms, accessibility for people with disabilities and the details of other nearby toilets.
I know I know … I am sure that there are a few of you sniggering right now but this is an important service that helps more than just the incontinent elderly (not that that wouldn’t be enough reason in itself .. figures suggest that 1 in 10 people over 75 suffer from incontinence). But this is a very useful tool for pregnant woman and parents of small children … both in nappies, toddlers and toilet training time and children with autism and other disabilities.
What does the Toilet Map do?

Disabled toilet
The Toilet Map provides:
- the location of the nearest public toilet
- details of opening hours, accessibility, parking and other features including availability of baby change rooms
- the capacity to plan toilet breaks for short or long journeys
- the ability to save toilet information and trip plans
How do I access the Toilet Map?
The Toilet Map is accessible:
- normal web and mobile browsers
- iPhone App
- Global Positioning System (GPS) – you need to download the information and load it onto your GPS. I think the key is to plan ahead.
How do I use the Toilet Map?
- browse the map in a particular State/Territory
- search for toilets by postcode, town or suburb, near a specific address or location such as a sports ground
- plan a trip with the Trip Planner and enter your starting and end address to get a turn by turn description for the quickest route and the toilets along the way.
Is there any way to search for baby change facilities or accessible parking?
When you find toilets near an address, at a point of interest or at a latitude/longitude you can select additional toilet features and opening hours in the right hand column of the page.
There are a number of different features listed on the National Public Toilet Map, including baby change facilities, sharps disposal, MLAK access and accessible parking.
What is an MLAK key? Am I Eligible? And do I need one?
MLAK stands for Master Locksmiths’ Association Key. The MLAK is a master key that fits into specially designed locks allowing 24 hour a day access to public toilets. Eligible people – those with a disability and a letter of authorisation from a doctor, disability organisation, local council or community health centre – can purchase a key that opens all accessible toilets displaying the MLAK symbol. For information about where to obtain keys or locks within your area, contact the Master Locksmiths Association of Australasia (phone 1800 810 698).
For me … not at this stage. But maybe when we get more into the toilet training. Knowing that no matter what the time and what the situation I would be able to utilise toilet facilities with the kids is not a bad idea.
I think it is a brillant idea. I have the app on my phone .. I guess it is sort of like insurance. You never know when it might come in handy … and if it does you will be really grateful that you did.
Images courtesy of 99club