Yesterday I attended the ‘Make it Real’ NDIS 2012 Rally at the Allphones Arena Sydney. It was wonderful to see so many with people with disabilities, their carers , professionals and other memers of the community come together and clearly say with one voice ‘NDIS – Make it real’.
IMHO helping people with disabilities should be one of the core activities of government. Treating people with disabilities as second class citizens … forcing them to beg and scrap … to accept the charity of what is being given … whether it is right for them or not … and be expected to be grateful has got to end. Over history the Australian government has introduced great social programs such as Medicare and the pension … the time is overdue to implement an effective National Disability Insurance Scheme that ensures that people with disabilities get access funding for the services for life … based on individual needs … for what can help them as individuals. To put the person in the centre of the service equation. While the devil is in the detail … and I want to see the detail … I support the NDIS as a key way for government to make a real difference in the lives of people with disabilities.
NDIS NOW!!!!!!!