Summary: Very disappointing. Not family friendly and I got nothing done that I hoped I would. Perfect for some adult time … but if you are thinking of going with kids … DON’T.
Highlights: Seeing Miguel Maestre cook and seeing two of my favourite Masterchef contestants just walking around … Love your work Amina and Audra!!
I got the idea to go to the Sydney Good Food and Wine show while watching the The Project Metro Wip-Around. I knew before I went that the wine part of something I would not be able to partake in (as driving was a must and anyway pushing a double stroller and having a glass of wine just wouldn’t work for me) … but I wanted to therefore partake in the good food … in particular the cheese. I love cheese. And as a key element of the story on the Meto Wip-Around was around the Cheese Pavilion I was sold. The grand plan was to drive into the ultimo, get a park, visit Paddy’s Markets and then go to the Good Food and Wine Show.
Things went well up until the point of entering the show. It was incredibly crowded and anything I was potentially interested in I could not get close to. BTW I wasn’t just planning on stealing samples. If I tried something and liked it I was planing on buying. But there was just no opportunity. And I guess the big disappointment for me was that I was not able to get near the Cheese Pavilion. The Cheese Pavilion was in a small space with less room that the other areas of the exhibition. It was easy for me to get around the wines … even with lots of people but the cheese section was too small and I had no chance. So all I could do was look longingly as I walked past the entrance and move on. Very disappointing.
We didn’t completely walk out of there empty handed … I bought and shared a ricotta cornetti with LittleMiss (she has a sweet tooth like me) and the kids had some chips (bribery for compliance) … and a small taste of some Christmas pudding (that I plan on ordering some of And I did get to see Miguel Maestre doing a presentation … well not all of it … but it was nice to see him in person. He has such enthusiasm for cooking and is such fun to watch. And I saw some of the Masterchef contestants walking around and enjoying the show. It was lovely how they were talking to people and being so friendly. But otherwise it was a bit of a dud for me. … so I came home and spoilt myself that evening with some cheese and wine 😛