I am very excited that Autism Awareness announced yesterday the distribution of their film “What are you doing?” to over 10 000 schools across Australia. “What are you doing?” is a short film which aims to teach school aged children about acceptance and understanding of their peers with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).
The film addresses some of the fears children may have about ASD, answers their questions and helps show them how they can be a great friend to a classmate on the autism spectrum. The film includes enlightening interviews with the brothers, sisters, cousins and friends of children on the spectrum. These friends and family members share their thoughts and experiences on what it is like to share their life with someone on the spectrum.
Through beautiful imagery, engaging narrative and quirky animation, the film sends a message that children with autism should be accepted, supported and encouraged by their peers to be a part of their community. I have seen it and it is a beautiful, wonderful film that I wish not just school children .. but everyone could see.
All primary, secondary, state and independent schools have received a copy of the film, along with accompanying teaching materials. So contact your local school, let them know how important the film is to your school community and encourage them to show it as widely as possible. More awareness simply means children on the spectrum will be better understood …
Please help spread the word. The path to a better world for all people with ASD starts with greater community understanding and awareness.